Captain America’s Nemesis – The Red Skull

captain america red skull

The Red Skull

Captain America’s nemesis Red Skull was first introduced in 1990’s “Captain America.” It’s a movie I loved as a kid. Sure, it’s a little cheesey, but as a piece of World War II propaganda, it hits the mark pretty well.

He was a Nazi soldier who later fronted Hydra, an organization that took part in the Holocaust and fought against American resistance during WWII. He’s a villain who believes in twisted thought and human evolution, and he doesn’t care about anyone’s suffering or rights.

The Red Skull’s origin is very interesting. He was created out of a process developed by the Nazis to turn average children with polio into super-human beings. He was a bad man and a bad father.

As a child, he was raised by a ruthless woman called Mother Superior. Her death during childbirth nearly killed him, but he changed his mind and raised her as a woman. He even genetically accelerated her age.

He fought and defeated many heroes in his time, including Captain America. He also formed alliances with the likes of Doctor Faustus, Arnim Zola, and HYDRA to achieve his goals.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Red Skull appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. He’s still a very bad guy, but he’s now seen as more of a neutral superbeing.

The Red Skull’s aging process is reversed by Henry Pym, who uses the same proccess to reverse Captain America’s. He also uses it on his daughter.