Captain America Ugly Christmas Sweater

In the age of twinkling fir trees, eggnog, stockings and office Secret Santa parties, the ugly Christmas sweater is quickly becoming an international phenomenon. These wooly pullovers adorned with argyle or flocked graphics emblazoned with snowmen, Santas and angels may have once been a fashion faux pas, but today the style is booming, with designers recreating any design on breathable fabrics that are resistant to wrinkles and mildew.

Ugly holiday sweaters have been around for quite a while, but it was television that first introduced them to a larger audience in the 1980s when Bill Cosby’s character Cliff Huxtable wore sweaters with garish colors and clashing patterns on his hit sitcom. Though the idea of wearing such an audacious garment was a departure from the refined, post-World War two era styles that characterized fashion at the time, Huxtable’s daring look captivated audiences and set a new standard for what could be considered a festive sweater.

Ugly sweaters continue to make a splash in pop culture today, as celebrities join in on the fun by sporting a sweater for a talk show appearance or social media photo. And of course, countless fans have taken to the internet to celebrate their love for the sweater by creating and sharing their own festive creations. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or a fellow Marvel fanatic, this Captain America ugly Christmas sweater is sure to delight the hero in your life. So go ahead and order yours now, and get ready to save the holidays in style!