Captain America Old

captain america old

Having played this game over a few times I can say it plays quite well, considering it’s a port of an arcade game. The sprites are small, but they look good and the action doesn’t suffer from any slowdown or framerate issues. It’s also not very difficult, so you can beat it comfortably in around thirty minutes. The only real problem with the combat is that it feels shallow and clunky compared to more refined brawlers such as TMNT: Hyperstone Heist or Streets of Rage.

The story starts with Captain America (Chris Evans) putting all of the Infinity Stones back where they were found to avoid messing up the timeline. Then he goes back in time to reunite with Peggy Carter and live out his life. But when he returns to the main MCU timeline, it’s as an old man.

That’s a bit of an odd choice, since it makes Cap seem like a character out of place in his own timeline. He’s been a soldier for decades, so his body is starting to show his age. And while the effects used to make him older look good, it’s a bit of an abrupt change in appearance.

It’s not that he doesn’t have the right to be old, it’s just that it doesn’t really fit the tone of the movie. The rest of the film is a crisp, honey-hued adventure that’s light on subtext but heavy on tons of shit blowing up. And it’s all anchored by the solid performance of Evans as Steve Rogers.