The History of the Captain America Logo

As one of the most popular superheroes ever, it’s no surprise that Captain America’s symbol is such an iconic image. It’s easy to understand why the indestructible shield has become such a powerful image—it represents the hero’s unwavering patriotism and love for his country.

While the colors of the flag have varied through the years, the color combination of red, white, and blue remains strong in Cap’s image. The indestructible shield also symbolizes his virtue, value, resilience, and hope—all qualities that are reflected in the hero’s character.

The first version of the captain america logo featured a circular shield with a white star on a blue background. The inner circle was smaller than the outer ring, and the order of the colored bands was different.

Later, the shape of the shield was changed to make it more traditional and rectangular, but it still incorporated the same colors. The white star symbolized purity and innocence, which is a major part of the hero’s character. This version of the shield is most familiar to modern audiences.

The next version of the Captain America logo introduced a different color scheme—this time with a more blue-based palette. The white star was still in the center of the shield, but the alternating circles were now thinner and closer together. The new color scheme was more in line with the colors of the American flag. It was this version of the shield that is seen on modern-day merchandise and in the movies.