Captain America’s Girlfriend Name

The hero that started it all

Captain America has had a pretty eventful life so far. He’s had wars, heroics and plenty of meaningful relationships with both superpowered peers and civilians. His love life is also full of surprises with some very interesting partners. But, who was his first true love?

In the early days of Marvel, Peggy Carter (played by Hayley Atwell) was a major part of Captain America’s story. She was a high-ranking agent of the Office of Scientific Investigation, which predated the CIA. While she was working in France, she was ordered to protect a secret laboratory that housed the Super-Soldier Serum. During this mission, she was disguised as an old store owner and was near where Steve Rogers was injected with the serum, which gave him his super-human powers. After he saved her, she began to develop feelings for him. However, her sense of duty kept them from becoming romantically involved.

After the war, she moved to Los Angeles and began working for S.H.I.E.L.D. as an agent, using her code name Agent 13. Sharon Carter, the niece of Peggy, grew up hearing stories about her aunt’s relationship with the Captain and was inspired to follow in her footsteps. Sharon and Peggy would work together on many missions for S.H.I.E.L.D and would become close friends, though Sharon was a reluctant partner in her romance with the Captain because of her feelings for Peggy.