Captain America Undercover Review

captain america undercover

When we last left Captain America (Chris Evans), he was on the run in Scotland, trying to evade his former ally Bucky Barnes AKA The Winter Soldier (Scarlett Johansson). His attempt at eluding the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents was pretty flimsy, though—a baseball cap and glasses didn’t exactly conceal his identity. But even without a disguise, the Captain is still good at what he does.

While promoting war bonds across the country as the colorful costumed Captain America, Rogers learns that Barnes and his team were captured by Schmidt’s Hydra division. The hero insists on visiting the enemy, enlisting Carter and engineer Howard Stark to fly him behind enemy lines. In the midst of his mission, Rogers discovers that Schmidt’s men are using his serum to enhance their fighting abilities.

He also encounters a criminal named Boomslang who is working for the Serpent Society. While the Sentinel of Liberty tries to subdue the villain, he doesn’t know that a gang of youths is watching through a skylight. The gang members assume the hero is the Punisher and begin firing at him.

After he defeats the criminals and infiltrates Schmidt’s fortress, the hero finds Barnes alive but unconscious. He convinces the wounded hero to help him investigate his kidnapping, but Barnes doesn’t remember anything about the incident and is unsure about Rogers’ claim that he’s the Punisher. Eventually, Rogers realizes that the man who once stood for truth, honor, and patriotism is now a bloodthirsty vigilante.