Captain America: Rotten Tomatoes

Posted on June 14, 2018 by Chris O’Shea

The first film in Marvel’s shared universe of superhero films stars Chris Evans as the titular hero, who fights the bad guys to uphold the idealism of America. It’s a wildly entertaining film that sets the tone for the MCU and establishes its star, Chris Evans, as one of Hollywood’s best leading men.

Trades bombast for a subtle spy thriller, revealing countless shades of gray in the divide between hero and villain. A brilliant performance by Evans, who is a joy to watch, captures Captain America’s swaggering bravado and awkward social skills. This film is a classic for the ages.

The Russo Brothers’ follow-up to Avengers: Age of Ultron is a finely crafted and thrilling adventure that takes advantage of its star, Chris Evans, who delivers another stellar performance as Steve Rogers. The story traces his genesis as Captain America while adding more layers to his personality, including a struggle with alcoholism. Creative liberties are taken with the villain, Red Skull, who is less skull-like than in the original comics, but he’s still a formidable opponent.

It’s unfortunate that the critics savaged this film. It’s a fun and thrilling movie that doesn’t deserve the one-star rating it received. It’s not as good as the other two Russo Cap movies, but it’s still a great time at the theater.