Captain America Peggy

Despite the fact that she was supposed to die at the end of the war, Peggy Carter never gave up on her work. She became one of the most valuable assets in S.H.I.E.L.D and would continue to serve in various capacities after Steve Rogers was presumed dead. She continued to help prevent the Nazi’s from world wide domination and even worked alongside her former lover, Captain America.

Throughout Coates’ run, Peggy has become one of the most important characters in the MCU and is now considered to be an equal to Captain America. She’s a smart, self-reliant operative that crushes gender stereotypes and isn’t content to be portrayed as a damsel in distress waiting for a man to save her.

While Hayley Atwell is a huge part of what makes captain america peggy such an iconic character, she’s also backed by a strong cast. From the brash and arrogant Dum Dum Dugan played by Bradley Whitford to the feisty and hard-working Sharon Carter (who is actually Peggy’s niece in the real world), each actor is perfectly cast in their respective roles.

Joe Johnston’s 2011 movie is a solid entry into the MCU and is highlighted by a fantastic performance from Atwell. She made the film into something more than just a good popcorn flick, shading Cap’s gung-ho jingoism with wry humor and old-school romanticism. She’s returned for cameo appearances in every Captain America sequel and even starred in her own spin-off show, Agent Carter.