Captain America (Movie Review)

If there’s one thing to know about Captain America, it’s that he believes in doing the right thing. He’s a model of decency in indecent times. His willingness to give up everything he has for the greater good is something we can all aspire to. In fact, he feels more real than any other superhero I’ve seen in movies in the last several decades.

The Russo brothers made an incredible job of capturing this feeling of old-school superheroes in their movie. While the film does have some special effects, it works within its aesthetic of 1940s pop culture (i.e., Cap doesn’t look like he’s floating on strings when he hops across the cars during the opening chase sequence following his augmentation). Joe Johnston also brings his love of old-school pop culture to this picture, and he makes it work.

Evans is a perfect choice for the role of Captain America, and he shines throughout this finely-crafted script. There are plenty of emotional moments for him to play, and he delivers each one in immaculate fashion. This is why he has become the most beloved character in the MCU.

Hayley Atwell does a great job as Agent Carter, who’s loyal to Cap and doesn’t take his bullshit. And although her role is not as big as Johansson’s, she still manages to shine. There are even a few underrated scenes between her and Tommy Lee Jones’ Colonel Phillips. It’s a good way to showcase the dynamic between these two characters.