Captain America Dancing With Peggy Song From Rogers: The Musical

The romance between Peggy Carter and Captain America is one of the MCU’s most cherished relationships, so it was no surprise that when Cap time-traveled back to 1945 at the end of Avengers: Endgame, he promised to dance with her. This was a very heartwarming and poignant ending to the movie, and fans have been waiting for it ever since.

While it might seem like a coincidence, Marvel actually teased this dance years earlier. It’s been almost 70 years since Cap and Peggy were separated by war, so a lot has changed in their lives. But what hasn’t changed is their love for each other.

In fact, the first hint that this dance might happen was in Captain America: The Winter Soldier when Nick Fury breaks into Steve’s apartment and plays some music loudly. He plays Harry James’s version of “It’s Been a Long, Long Time,” which is exactly the song that Steve and Peggy dance to at the end of Avengers: Endgame.

This is a perfect choice, as the film’s writers knew that this song would be iconic for the pair. And, more importantly, it was popular in 1945, the year that Steve went under the ice.

Now, the MCU’s fictional Broadway musical from Hawkeye on Disney+ has been made real at Disneyland Resort, just steps away from Avengers Campus. This star-spangled live-theater production called Rogers: The Musical has just opened, and it’s filling in the gaps regarding Steve Rogers’ life post-Endgame. It even includes a song and dance number that might reveal what happened to Peggy after the war.