When Joe Simon and Jack Kirby created Captain America in 1941, they tapped into the nation’s anxiety over Nazi Germany to create a superhero with an overt political message. The red-white-and-blue hero defied the still-popular mood of isolationism and made a not-so-subtle case for American intervention in World War II.
Over the decades that followed, Cap’s stories have continued to weave political messages into the fabric of his adventures. His recurring foes often embody ideals that conflict with the enduring values the Sentinel of Liberty strives for and believes in, including neo-Nazism (Red Skull, Baron Zemo), technocratic fascism (AIM, Arnim Zola), communism (Aleksander Lukin) and anarchism (Flag Smasher).
Even when the character was frozen in suspended animation for over a decade, he maintained his ideals and continued to be an icon both within and beyond comic books. He was the leader of Marvel’s all-star superhero team, the Avengers, and was portrayed by Chris Evans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.
With all that history behind him, there are a lot of things about Captain America that many people don’t know. Let’s take a look at some of the most interesting facts about this iconic hero.