The latest movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America and Iron Man, stars Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. As usual, the plot revolves around the upcoming war between the forces of good and evil. This time, the Avengers are pitted against Hydra. They must battle Hydra in order to protect the United States from the threat of Hydra. Thankfully, these super heroes are not a lone wolf, and they are ready to take on the villains of Hydra.
In the upcoming movie Captain America/Iron Man, Chris Evans’ Tony Stark will face a dark chapter in his life, and his relationship with Iron Man will be tested. In this comic book, Tony will have to confront his past, and he will have to work to keep Steve focused on his mission. Thankfully, he has a backup plan. With a new alliance, he can save the world.
Unlike other Marvel movies, Captain America/Iron Man will follow the story of two unlikely friends, Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers, and will explore the dynamic between these two characters. As they face the looming threat of Hydra, both heroes must find a way to work together in order to defeat the enemies. It will be the first crossover film in the superhero genre, and fans will definitely be anxious to see it.